El Roble
First Breakfast |
One of the most wonderful things about Colombia is the food. When I woke up on my first day, German and Maria Teresa had this delicious fruit breakfast ready for Tom and I. Tom is another teacher who arrived a day before me. Maria Teresa is the daughter of the woman who owns the school. Maria Teresa is AMAZING!! She is a miracle worker. Within a week she had us looking and signing for apartments, obtaining our Colombian I.D. and touring Pereira, and getting us cell phones :)
After this delicious breakfast they took us to pick up Brandon, the third teacher, and then we went off to eat again at a restaurant called El Roble.
El Roble |
The attractions at EL Roble |
El Roble is known for it's extremely large portions. I was unaware of this when I ordered a tamale and German (Maria Teresa's husband) looked at me like I was crazy. I found out very quickly why.... a tamale from this place is like six animals chopped up in all their parts and stuffed inside (whatever tamales are made of). Suffice it to say, from that day forward I've stayed clear of my meat mixes. El Roble is also attached to a zoo/farm so you can take your children to go ride or see the animals before you sit down to eat them. I find it very educational.
Agua Panela con Queso |
My first attempt at plantains. |
As new teachers our next week was spent in mass lectures! I'm talking 5-6 hours of information overload. The best part of this week was meeting the other new teachers. Viviana and Johanna are amazing people. Viviana has been incredible. She took me to this super-cheap and super-amazing fruit and veggie market and then made me lunch at her place! She also taught me about plantains! It's thanks to her that I was able to make such a delicious batch :) Yumm!
The aguapanela con queso on the right came at the best time ever! We went on a 3 hour hike and there was this little farm along the way that served fresh cheese with cane sugar-water. The hike itself deserves an entirely different post!