I went hiking with friends over Semana Santa (Holy Week). Our destination of choice: Parque Tayrona.
We left from Santa Marta on one of the worst "buses," I've been on. It was overcrowded, humid, and I believe 7,000 degrees Fahrenheit. I cannot stand swapping sweat with people, which is bound to happen when you're squished so tight, you're not sure where your skin ends and theirs begins.
After a torturous hour of sweat-swapping, breath-sharing, and odious scents we finally arrived at the park entrance. Now, I have a cedula, which is a residency card issued by the Colombian government, but because it takes FOREVER to get the i.d. they gave me a temporary one that is "supposed," to be accepted just as if it were the actual one. This never happens. They always look at it weird and tell me, its not legit. Whatever. It really only bothers me in situations like buying my ticket at the park. I had to pay triple, just because of this stupid temporary card.
Suffice it to say, I was not in the greatest mood upon arrival.
Then, we arrived at our hike's entrance and all of the frustration melted away when I saw this....
Making our way through towering foliage and swaying trees our hearts pounded with every anticipatory step.
Bulging rocks led us deeper into the heart of the origin of life.
I could feel the proximity to Eden. Warmth and light filled our lungs, crushing away the doubt.
Blue. Green. Life Colors.
Every step, every breath, was leading us to this moment.
Joyous raptures!
The physically exhausting hike was worth every ragged breath when I walked out of those trees and beheld this.
We camped here. I slept under the stars with the crashing waves lulling me to sleep.
Love Love Love
I heart the ocean
Its the Aquarius in Me.